Monday, March 20, 2017

20 Mar 17- Happy Spring Equinox

They say when something has to happen it would happen without an effort and if it doesn't have to happen, no matter how much you try it just woudnt. I wasent quite a firm believer of this until we landed in Mumbai on Tarini. While taking the boat out on 03 Mar (marking the 8th anniversary of the maiden sortie of the Mhadei from Goa to Mumbai with Adm Awati and Capt Donde) did require some effort towards making it happen, landing in Mumbai on 07 Mar against all efforts made to try to enter a day and a half prior was something that went out of our control. The day however reminded us of our own maiden sortie onboard the Mhadei a year ago on 07 Mar 16 when we returned to Goa from Vizag. So a sleepless day and a half of struggling to dodge the fishing traffic outside Mumbai harbor eventually was considered as worth the effort.

As we gear up for the next step, I realise there are so many loopholes and undone stuff that need to be attended to before we set out next. Lets hope we can make this happen. For us 6, check out the link below:

Takeaways: 1. Imminent - within six hours from the time of issue
                    Soon- 6-12 hrs
                    later - after 12 hours
                    2. Wind forecasts may generally be considered from a 10 m height. So at the top of our mast, its going to be almost the double.
                    3. Gust factor is more significant than the forecasted avg wind speed. Gusts are more common during squalls & thunderstorms than a rainy weather.

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